0 By Dana Luzon Coveney Au.D., CCC-A, FAAA In Hearing ProtectionPosted December 5, 2014Custom-fit Ear Buds for Music ListeningThese custom fit adaptors are made perfectly unique to your ears, and allow you to listen to your music READ MORE
0 By Suzanne Yoder, Au.D. In Hearing LossPosted March 1, 2013The Musician’s Ears and Hearing LossStudies have uncovered that musical training creates more activity in the brain of the listener to help sort wanted sounds from unwanted sounds. READ MORE
0 By Suzanne Yoder, Au.D. In Hearing LossPosted July 21, 2011Musically Trained Ears & Learning to Hear with Hearing LossProfessional and highly skilled musicians have taught researchers in audiology and hearing science that the ear can be trained with practice. The studies have uncovered that musical training [...] READ MORE